As humans, we are social by nature. As we return to work, we naturally want to interact with coworkers. Keeping our distance while interacting will require behavior change and constant reminders. But changing behavior is hard.

As Winston Churchill said, “There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.” To ensure constructive change in workplace careful planning is needed at each of 3 critical phases.

3 Phases of Deployment


  • Establish baseline tag configurations that constitute a “contact” considering your specific environment
  • Training / Simulation Exercises: match the media to the audience (print, video, web based, etc)
  • Tailor to learning style: posters, quizzes, gifts, games
  • Training Desk: a more personal approach
  • Set goals for the organization

Phase 2: ROLLOUT

  • Awareness Days
  • Designate champions
  • Statements from leadership
  • Adjust tag settings to avoid overcounting contacts and penalizing employees
  • Survey users repeatedly
    • Automated web-based surveys
    • Focus groups

Phase 3: SUSTAIN

  • Drive improvement:
    • Recognition, rewards
    • Scheduled reports to managers & individuals
    • Data driven 1:1 reviews when needed
    • Monitor & address group formation
  • Maintain focus:
    • Regular communication
    • Company compliance rates & trends
    • Regular reports & trends to keep leadership team engaged
    • Use examples of outbreaks in industry to remind employees of the importance

Please contact us to explore the possibilities.


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